One page CV with cover letter (link)
Full CV (link)
Ph.D in Battery Science and Technology, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea (2014)
Thesis: "Nanostructured Non-precious Metal Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction
Reaction in Alkaline Solutions".
Supervisor: Professor Jaephil Cho (http://jpcho.com)
M.S in Physical Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2008)
Thesis: “Photolytic control to initiate protein dynamics”.
Supervisor: Professor Minhaeng Cho (http://cmsd.ibs.re.kr)
B.S in Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2006)
Military Service in the Republic of Korea Air Force (K-55), Feb. 2001 -Aug. 2003
Postdoc Researcher in Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea, Mar. 2014 -Apr. 2014
Postdoc Researcher in Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, Apr. 2014–Jan. 2016.
Supervisor: Professor Yi Cui (https://web.stanford.edu/group/cui_group)
Researcher (Professional), LG Chem. Research Park, Daejeon, Korea, Mar. 2016 - Present.
Jang-Soo Lee, Gi Su Park, Sun Tai Kim, Jaephil Cho, Iron-Based N-rich melamine foam incorporated with a metal-organic-framework as highly efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in aqueous solution, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Oral presentation. (2012/08/21) (Presentation file link)
Jang-Soo Lee, Taemin Lee, Hyun-Kon Song, Byeong-Su Kim, Jaephil Cho, Efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts for Zn-Air battery, The 25th The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS) Autumn Meeting 2011, Daejun, Korea, Oral presentation. (2011/10/06) (Presentation file link)
The 14th natural sciences and engineering scholarship, KOREA BROADCASTING SYSTEM (KBS), Korea (2011)
The Outstanding graduate student award, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, UNIST (2011, 2012)
The Excellence award, ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) support program supervised by the NIPA
(National IT Industry Promotion Agency), Korea (2013)
Elite Fellowship scholarship, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, UNIST (2011-2014)
Research Highlight
아연-공기전지용 고효율 촉매개발: UNISTㆍ현대重, 공동개발…백금촉매대비 가격 1/100수준 (정보통신산업 진흥원)
http://news.joins.com/article/6916648 (중앙일보)
http://www.todayenergy.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=68381 (Today Energy)
Full CV (link)
Ph.D in Battery Science and Technology, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea (2014)
Thesis: "Nanostructured Non-precious Metal Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction
Reaction in Alkaline Solutions".
Supervisor: Professor Jaephil Cho (http://jpcho.com)
M.S in Physical Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2008)
Thesis: “Photolytic control to initiate protein dynamics”.
Supervisor: Professor Minhaeng Cho (http://cmsd.ibs.re.kr)
B.S in Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2006)
Military Service in the Republic of Korea Air Force (K-55), Feb. 2001 -Aug. 2003
Postdoc Researcher in Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea, Mar. 2014 -Apr. 2014
Postdoc Researcher in Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, Apr. 2014–Jan. 2016.
Supervisor: Professor Yi Cui (https://web.stanford.edu/group/cui_group)
Researcher (Professional), LG Chem. Research Park, Daejeon, Korea, Mar. 2016 - Present.
Jang-Soo Lee, Gi Su Park, Sun Tai Kim, Jaephil Cho, Iron-Based N-rich melamine foam incorporated with a metal-organic-framework as highly efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in aqueous solution, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Oral presentation. (2012/08/21) (Presentation file link)
Jang-Soo Lee, Taemin Lee, Hyun-Kon Song, Byeong-Su Kim, Jaephil Cho, Efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts for Zn-Air battery, The 25th The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS) Autumn Meeting 2011, Daejun, Korea, Oral presentation. (2011/10/06) (Presentation file link)
The 14th natural sciences and engineering scholarship, KOREA BROADCASTING SYSTEM (KBS), Korea (2011)
The Outstanding graduate student award, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, UNIST (2011, 2012)
The Excellence award, ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) support program supervised by the NIPA
(National IT Industry Promotion Agency), Korea (2013)
Elite Fellowship scholarship, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, UNIST (2011-2014)
Research Highlight
아연-공기전지용 고효율 촉매개발: UNISTㆍ현대重, 공동개발…백금촉매대비 가격 1/100수준 (정보통신산업 진흥원)
http://news.joins.com/article/6916648 (중앙일보)
http://www.todayenergy.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=68381 (Today Energy)